Personnel Network will provide a wide range of executive search consultancy services. Personnel Network will help organizations, identify and recruit talented individuals in leadership positions, senior and middle managers throughout the Middle East / Asia. Conduct local/international searches and recruitment campaigns in a wide variety of industries and functional areas. Conduct psychometric, behavioral, personality, predictive index and other tests on the candidate’s personality style and competencies. Personnel Network specializes in placing a wide range of executives in positions – CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, GM, GM-Buying, Buying Managers, Head Of IT, Head Of Projects, GM-Retail, Store Managers, Retail Managers, Logistics Managers, Marketing Managers, Key Account Managers, Finance Managers, HR Managers etc.
When you need to hire key leadership positions, our Search Consultants with their excellent industry contacts and extremely focused approach are able to recruit the most talented Senior Management level executives from the best fit recruiting target as at the heart of Personnel Network’s services is executive search.
History has proven that investment in search planning leads to successful search projects. As such, each of our projects begins with a search-planning meeting to gather the necessary information to draft a Search Plan. This Search Plan discussion includes strategic information regarding the project, including:
Client Description
Position Description
Candidate Qualifications
Recruiting Targets
Key Selection Factors
Compensation Qualifications
Career Potential
Using executive search tools and techniques our consultants immediately begin researching, contacting, screening and developing potential candidates. Details of potential candidates who, upon an in-depth screening of their employment information, are qualified and interested in the position are developed. In addition, we interview and evaluate each separate potential candidate soon after your initial feedback.
Once a finalist candidate is chosen, Personnel Network will thoroughly check employment and personal references. Upon your request, we also coordinate pre-employment investigative checks including: education and professional qualifications; employment history; and legal history. Conduct psychometric, behavioral, predictive index test and other tests on the candidate’s personality style and competencies. Personnel Network prefers to conduct references and coordinate checks prior to extending an employment offer.
Our consultants will also assist you in recruiting the lead candidate to the extent that you desire our active involvement.
Finally, Personnel Network acts as an intermediary to change, adjust, or gain acceptance for to the initial Employment Offer. Throughout this part of the Search Process, we represent our clients and act in accordance with their directions. Once the Chosen Candidate accepts your Employment Offer, we continue to work to ensure a smooth transition to your company.
Throughout the entire search project, our consultants not only have regular telephone discussions with you, but also continuously provide a weekly Search Project Update.
The Personnel Network is paid regardless of finding a candidate.
Our consultants will also assist you in recruiting the lead candidate to the extent that you desire our active involvement.
Finally, Personnel Network acts as an intermediary to change, adjust, or gain acceptance for to the initial Employment Offer.
Throughout this part of the Search Process, we represent our clients and act in accordance with their directions. Once the Chosen Candidate accepts your Employment Offer, we continue to work to ensure a smooth transition to your company.
Throughout the entire search project, our consultants not only have regular telephone discussions with you, but also continuously provide a weekly Search Project Update.
The Personnel Network is paid when we find an appropriate candidate.
Our Turnkey Search Services come into play when you are a new MNC setting up operations or an already locally established organization diversifying into new business lines.
Turnkey Search Services are well suited to assist you:
When speed is extremely important.
When the market needs to be accessed quietly and confidentially.
When the universe of prospective candidates is limits and freedom from off - limit issues is critical.
When a strong advocate in the market is required to bring exceptional talent to the table.
When the assignment is research intensive.
When a creative solution is required.
Personnel Network is paid in the stages of the project progress.